I'm a proponent of writing for everyone. If you are literate and able, I don't see why you shouldn't write.That's also why, in 2023, I shared this Powerful Lean-Mean Writing System on my social media. It struck a chord with many. Recently, one of the parts of this system, a Chrome extension named Papier, was shut down by Google.So, I looked for an alternative and thought to share it with you. The main reason I'm sharing it with you is not its features.But its ability to provide a clean...
14 days ago • 2 min read
This person: He does not exist.If you remember, in July 2023, I shared Change your mind about this and 💪🏻10x your judgment with you. It carried this photo portraying a fictional character, Suresh. It was created using another tool with some freemium model, but I came across something more effortless. This Person Does Not Exist .com Simple.No filters to apply, no prompting to do.Just go to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com and a new AI-generated face is ready for you to download! Screenshot...
21 days ago • 1 min read
We are living in the times of mores.More people.More money.More technology.More cars....And...More information. Also, wishing you MORE growth in your career this new year! A Happy New Year to you! The last bit--the more information part, is true for almost everyone now.For example, if you're reading this letter on your phone, can you count the pop-up notifications on the screen informing you of something or the other?Crazy, right? Many people have already adapted to this state of affairs and...
28 days ago • 2 min read
10%.Just ten per cent.A few years back, I read about this idea in the personal finance classic (this is a public pdf link) The Richest Man in Babylon. The index of the original edition of The Richest Man in Babylon Since its first publication in 1926, it is still in print. I won't be surprised if this book survives 100 years more thanks to Lindy Effect.And why wouldn't it?Some ideas are like laws of physics. Universal and timeless. The idea is simple Keeping aside 10% of everything you earn...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Reader,Why do we work?We work to earn money and enjoy our lives by eating good food, living in a comfortable house, and weathering away tough times.Whatever discussions we had so far through Friday letters, they were more or less aimed at one direct goal: to level up our career.Starting today, I want to discuss one of the most important aspects of levelling up our careers: money management. The main challenge of talking about Money Management "It depends", that's what you hear in most advice...
about 1 month ago • 5 min read
The last time I shared a reading roundup was in March this year. It has been nine months since then. As I didn't get time to sit down and pen my thoughts this week, I thought I would share some select pieces of "Reads of the Week" from the last nine months. I shared 12 of the 43 readings during the last nine months. Ideally, I would have wanted to share all 43 of them, but let's stick to a dozen. There is nothing special about this selection; it is just random reading/watching....
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
I love using razors once in a while. However, due to my beard obsession for the past several years, I don't get to use them as much as I would like to.Shaving makes my skin feel alive and gives me the feeling of rebirth. (If you know me, you'd know what I mean) But I don't get to use the Gillette razor as much as I like to.Instead, I use a philosophical razor and trim out evil people at work and in my life. If you start using this razor, you'll immediately know it is quite sharp. And the more...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
I love science.I'm sure you'd have noticed that.So, whether you love science, you have to listen to this incredible thing. Our digestive organ--small intestine is 3-5 meters long, with a diameter of a mere 2-3 cm. That's like a normal PVC water pipe in our home.That's not incredible. The incredible part is this:The small intestine's effective surface area could be as large as several tennis stadiums!Look at this image: Source As we zoom into the fine structures of the small intestine's wall,...
2 months ago • 5 min read
Reader, don't get me wrong.I'm a believer and practitioner of life-long learning.In this two-part letter, I'm talking about "upskilling"—it is far from "learning". It's a deceptive term. So, I hope I don't confuse you by mixing the two. Now that's out of our way, we can focus on the main subject.If you're in India and watch YouTube videos, you might have encountered some ads about upskilling. Almost all of them have a poster that looks like this: A beautiful model wearing a worksuite Using a...
2 months ago • 5 min read